Well our Durango got sideswipped a couple of weeks ago, so the money from the insurance we purashed 4 new tires, some nice michelin's, and a 10 foot swingset. The kids love swinging and so do we parents, so we thought it would be a great idea to get this swing. I got it set up, Julie doesn't like where I put it, but it may stay where it is, it's not easy to move. I have been pushing the kids on a regular basis every evening and having a blast. Well last wednesday I was swinging Jake and cousin Braydon and was swinging myself as well. That turned out to be a bad idea, as I was swinging coming back down I didn't lift my foot in time from hitting the ground. This crunched my toes and made a popping sound. My thoughts where oh ooo, I walked inside and laid on my bed, a few minutes laters my foot decided to puff up and hurt. 7 X-rays later I have a broken metatarsal, this break is called a Jones Fracture. I am currently wearing a boot, and have had quit a bit of pain. Hell, our whole family has been hurt this year, I will include Julie giving birth in this for the obvious pain that was there. Dang I just want to swear thinking about all the crap that has happened. Jake breaking his arm, Emily and her collar bone, Eli's birth and ER visit. What a shitty year, ya I just swore, deal with it. In pain my language worsens.
I also haven't taken time off from work, this hasn't helped, in fact it probably has made things worse. I just hope this will be over soon. So I am dealing with my first broken bone, a very bruised foot(even my toes are purple), and some moderate pain.
Emily taking her own pic
Poor Jon!
I hope you are feeling better soon.
We might have our own injury around here - taking Becca to the doctor today to attempt to figure it out.
I'll keep you posted!
After the rain or pain there is always SUNSHINE! Hang in there...and this too shall pass :)
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