Sunday, August 31, 2008

Scouts camping and etc...

Took the 11 year old scouts camping Friday night to Saturday night and still in the recovery process. All in all it was a fun time, I guess. I wish I was a scout again and come unprepared and not listen to the leader at ALL! The saving grace was that the fathers had to come and they did do a good job watching their own child. I am very grateful they do not need another camp out, we did get all those requirements fulfilled. My body is very stiff and awkward because I do not have a sleeping pad to protect my back. The ground FYI is very hard and sleeping on it can be most difficult. Sleeping in my own bed last night was amazingly comfortable. Interestingly how funny it is that when we don't have something that we use everyday is how much we can miss it. So, before I go camping next time my requirement is to have a decent sleeping pad so that I will be able to sleep.

Now a totally different subject.....

My awesome neighbors today moved. You either hate or love your neighbors, well we loved our neighbor across the street. Jim and Sherie are great friends to All of us, kinda like grandparents actually. We have both made commitments to still hang out and have fun. In two weeks Jim and I are going to South Fork on the Snake River to do some fishin', and hopefully some sturgeon fishin' the end of October.

It was just fun to hang out and talk politics, religion, life, and whatever was happening in our lives. They are from back East just like I am and so we talk about how weird Utahns are, but we both still love it here. Ya know I just realized that my closest friends here didn't grow up here. My best friend since 11 years old live in the avenues, the Harris's are from Virginia and our now former neighbor's are from Pennsylvania. Also half of my friends don't belong to the dominent religion here, that's a good thing, weird but religion isn't something that gets in the way of friendship. Afterall people are entitled to their opinions, that's what make life fun and exciting.

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