Friday, August 29, 2008

A Little Political

Going a bit political here but I can't seem to help it. Todays announcement for McCain's VP was amazing! His choosing the Alaska governer of Sarah Palin is perfect. I have to admit I have not been very impressed with McCain and not impressed at all with Hussien Obama. Yet I was considering voting for the Holy Obama to give the republicans a better chance for 2012. Slapped myself to reality during Palin's acceptance speech, which was sincere, and reflects more closely the ideals that I personnaly have. My support now goes fully to the McCain/Palin ticket. The cliche that has been spread lately is, "we will be voting for the vice president" and this is definitely the case. I was bummed that Romney didn't get as far as I would have liked, and he almost made the VP ticket. Yet I believe this is an even better choice. As I watched the speech after being self slapped I felt that this is a woman who came from the ground up. She worked hard to achieve what she has and she knows even better than others that "hometown" life that we all can relate too.

Anyways going camping with the scouts tonight, I hope to survive.

Laters, Jon

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