Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The sky is falling, a new post!

What a new post, gotta be kidding me!! Ya I know, I am a major slacker when it comes to posting on the blog, I mean gosh blogs are so over rated now and so 2005. Being 2010 I am catching up to the times and blogging only a few times a year it seems. It all comes down to laziness or not even thinking about writing here, I mean who reads this anyways?? And not to mention the craziness of life with three crazy children, being in nursing school, and trying to continue to do fun things. Oh and too top things off I have a recently new calling working with the young-men, well if you consider late June to be recent. I have also taken on a new website, a forum actually, and I dare say the topics are rather controversial, discussing everything political and religious. Good things for great mods to help control the masses, well the very few who continue to post. It seems easy to get burnt out from politics especially with all that is happening, so difficult to keep up.

Life is crazy, Julie has a way of putting things on her Facebook account that paints quite the picture of my little family, let me first say that what she does post is very little to actually what happens, I wish I could get her to contribute here and expound on some of the things we experience as parents of some very unique, intriguing, bundles of energy. Hopefully she reads this soon and takes the hint....

Some recent examples of Julie's Facebook posts

Last night Emily broke a glass in the kitchen. As I was cleaning that up Eli was throwing up all over the living room. As everything else was happening the cookies were ready to be taken out. All I can say is I was very glad that Jon was home to help!

Sunday at 8:39am

Jacob just woke up and the first words that came out of his mouth were "I never knew I had slobber in my sleep."

September 17 at 7:16am

I have been crafty today making hair clips and burnt satin hair flowers. So cute! One day a picture will get posted :) When Eli is old enough to do it!

September 16 at 7:36pm

I am going to plug my arm into Eli's - steal his energy, and then work around the house all day...it should work!

September 9 at 8:45am 

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