Monday, October 12, 2009

Weekly tests and going bald...

Been a few since I have posted anything, heaven forbid neglecting the blog. Life has been crazy busy with not much to show for it. Work has been okay, been hard getting my hours on this schedule. I got the flu three weeks ago, had all signs and symptoms of H1N1 but the instacare no longer tests for it, but they prescibed me Tamiflu. Not sure what to think about this stuff except very expensive and didn't really do anything for me, supposedly it's suppose to make the flu not last as long, but I still missed a week of work. Pretty sure I got it from school, jerks, what are people thinking coming to school and taking tests when sick. Honestly I don't blame whoever it was they threaten you with your life if a test is missed for any reason. My grades in my three classes are very poor, I haven't done well on any test, need to find a way to overcome this. I haven't never before studied or prayed so much in my life, just wish it would pay off with better grades. Tests have been occurring every week, which is a pain, I haven't done any yard work that is very much needed to be done and other household stuff. Tomorrow is my last clinical day, been kinda boring at the long term care center I have been going to. And care plans are the absolute worse time sucker out there. Although I am doing well writing them, they just take a long time to do, so much stinkin info is required with these. With all the stress of everything going on I have yet to go bald, I am very surprised about this.... knock on wood!

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