Saturday, June 25, 2011

Diagnosis and coping

Well where do I start, how do I effectively explain what is going through my head, where do I begin? It is my hope that I can answer those questions, and do so in a way that is understandable. It hopefully isn't a big deal, atleast it isn't right now, but I was recently diagnosed with a disease that I had hoped never to get, and that is type II diabetes. As an Acute Dialysis Tech I see what happens when people don't take care of their diabetes, they get renal failure, and thus dialysis is needed. My feelings of fear that this may be my fate depresses me, but this disease is diet controlled at this point. How did I get into this predicament? That one is easy to explain, getting fat caused this, and not doing much about it, until now. Poor Julie has to help me watch my carb intake, which means making the family suffer for it. Ha the family so far hasn't suffered, in fact we have gotten some pretty good meals so far from this, and I expect there will be many more. With careful diet changes and going out to exercise I hope to be able to keep this disease at bay. Although once diagnosed it is never cured and will always have to do sugar checks, have a low carb diet, and get off my butt and exercise. Ya and nursing school hasn't helped, not only is there added stress, but knowing what I know about diabetes this is frustrating. Only thing to now do is to go forward and deal with what I have been dealt and make it the best. Protein is my friend, more excuse to BBQ every chance I get ;)

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