Life is still crazy, I don't think this will change for a while. Yet I have to give many thanks to my sweet wife who is always looking up, and trying to keep me thinking positive. She is so awesome, supportive, and someone for who I am extremely thankful to have in my life. Julie sensed that I am kinda giving up with school, and honestly I have to admit that in some ways I am. It seems no matter how much I study my grades are still not up to par. for those who knew my study habits in high school, well they where non existent, so I am learning how to study now. The Salt Lake Community College has said that you have to pass with a 78% of greater, which is a C+. My grades are in the C range 75-77, just on the bubble, so frustrating. I am pretty sure I will need to take pathophysiology again, had a test on friday that was one where my mind decided to turn off when I looked at the computer screen, so that grade was pretty bad.
It's now November, time to really start thinking about Christmas and how are we going to get our children gifts on such a tight budget. We have been getting things here and there and when it comes down too it we are almost done. The tricky part is what to get Julie, got her some really nice ear rings last year just to have a child put them down a drain, took it apart but still couldn't find them. I know she wants clothes, but whatever I picked out I am sure would be a mistake. Do I get a gift card? Those seem so cheesy and impersonal... ugg maybe I'll just surprise her, get a babysitter and take her along. Good thing she doesn't read this unless I let her know that I have updated the blog. Doesn't really matter if she knows, I will discuss this dilemma with her soon anyways.
This fall we have all been fairly healthy, just a few bumps, but other then those things are going very well for us, laters.
P.S. Just to responds to one of Ruth's comments, all we can do is laugh at all that happens. I know I make these posts seem too serious doom/gloom, I am trying to not do that as much. Yet my humor is a bit off anyways =)